Here's to an Unforgettable New Roots Theatre Festival

On behalf of SFBATCO, thank you so much for being a part of the 2nd New Roots Theatre Festival! It was kinda fun, right?? We are so grateful to our partner organizations, artists, volunteers, and audience members. None of this works without you!

It was an absolute joy to share the creative space with the 6 participating organizations, 80 arts workers, and 1200 audience members who came through the Brava. Sitting in the lobby, we witnessed the reunions 20 years in the making; artistic introductions, planting seeds for future collaboration; and surprise visits from former teachers. We saw an acknowledgement and understanding that there are so many of us aligned in the mission to make the Bay Area a more vibrant and sustainable arts community.

The main piece of feedback we received is the one that we were hoping to hear: You want to see where each project is going! Each piece that was showcased is at various stages of development, so please fill out the digital feedback form and let us know what you thought.

We hope you will continue to follow us and the Legacy Companies as we workshop these projects. This work requires significant time and resources, please consider making a donation to support the continued growth of each project.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we can’t wait to see you next time.

With love & solidarity,