SFBATCO Works-in-Development

At SFBATCO, we champion new and exciting works and really believe in the process of development, trial and error, workshops, staged readings, and collaboration. Scroll down to see some of the projects we are in the process of developing. Support the development of new work by donating today.

The Day the Sky Turned Orange

September 2020. San Francisco. An ominous sky.

High school science teacher Amari must let go of her grief while starting a new relationship; her brother, QC, grapples with the realities of long-COVID and his future as an artist; and her student, Alé, is just trying to pay for remote therapy.

Painted with the background of the ongoing pandemic, Black Lives Matters uprisings, and an upcoming election, these interconnected San Franciscans face yet another sobering moment: the day the sky turned orange.

This R&B and pop musical from Julius Rea, Olivia Kuper Harris, and David Michael Ott is a testament to living through the trials of 2020 as well as a compassionate reminder of the importance of caring for our planet, our communities, and ourselves. 

Learn more about the project here >>

Every Saturday Night

Every Saturday Night is an original musical that takes audiences back to San Francisco’s Fillmore District in the 1950s, when it was a burgeoning African-American community, replete with scores of jazz clubs. The show takes place in the after-hours club that Ardella runs out of her basement and is seen through the eyes of a young boy, her son, enthralled with the transformation of the people in his community from their daytime personas to their nightlife ones. Inspired by true events, acclaimed Bay Area Playwright, Composer and Director Danny Duncan’s new work offers a boisterous and heartfelt glimpse into the “Harlem of the West” before San Francisco’s Western Addition Redevelopment permanently changed the district.