A Letter to our Community from the Founders


Dear Community,

Can you believe that a six and a half year old theatre company survived a whole YEAR without selling tickets to a live in person performance?!

We have learned more than ever this year, but the biggest takeaway so far has been to believe in our incredible community. Theatre is about connection and so many of you were ready to connect with and through SFBATCO while we figured out the β€œnew” digital world in real time right in front of your eyes (or screens). We sincerely hope that through the dark times of this past year, you and your loved ones have found the safety, security and strength needed to continue living your best life.

As we move closer to once again gathering in a theatre, we at SFBATCO cannot wait to meet the resilient audience that has made it through along with us. Can't wait to make it seems as if we never said goodbye!

Rod & Marce